Appzi Docs



Default Renderer

Appzi screenshot renderer relies on all the assets being public or inlined to render the page. If Appzi is used on a private environment (like localhost or non-public domain) it's unlikely that screenshots will render correctly. You could try using the alternative renderer in that case.

Alternative Renderer

We also provide an alternative renderer, which may work better in cases where the site assets are not public or when you want to customize the render process.

Enable the alternative renderer

To enable the alternative renderer you have to set the render type to client as in the example below:

window.appziSettings = {
// other options
render: {
type: 'client',

Under the hood we use html2canvas and all the limitations there apply. It's possible to capture canvases (including WEBGL) by using the alternative renderer and stitching them together. Please reach out for details.

Exclude Fields

To exclude certain fields from being rendered add the appzi-screenshot-exclude attribute to the html element.


<div>i will be rendered</div>
<div appzi-screenshot-exclude="true">i'm will be masked</div>
value="i will also be masked"